• Trips

    Amusement Park Plohn

    The weather in April (probably thanks to climate change) was already quite warm, so we planned a visit to Plohn Amusement Park for a Sunday. With around 18 degrees, it wasn’t too hot, and thanks to light cloud cover, the sun didn’t scorch us. Nathalie and I had already been there once in 2017 (and I a few times in my childhood), but the park is, of course, in a constant state of change, so there’s always something new to see. The amusement park is located in Saxony, about 25 minutes’ drive south of Greiz, my hometown. We’ve often passed by it when traveling towards the Ore Mountains. This time,…

  • Trips

    Medieval spectacle in Kranichfeld

    A Ride to the Medieval Spectacle in Kranichfeld In good weather, we decided to cycle to Kranichfeld once again – but this time, we aimed to attend the Medieval Spectacle. In our post about the falconry, we already described how the Ilmtal Cycle Path runs from Weimar to Kranichfeld. Nearly 30 kilometers and mostly uphill… (Note from Nathalie: It’s not that much uphill… sure, there are a few steeper sections, but overall it’s a very nice bike path) and so this ride also took over 2 hours. The challenging sections didn’t bother me as much, but how should I say… it was “boring.” The cycle path is mostly too narrow…