Trails from Zero: Chest Messages and more
This is Randy
In every Trails game there has to be some kind of “carefree” character that the others are ashamed of. In the “Trails in the Sky” series it was Olivere and in the “Trails from Zero” series it’s Randy Orlando, who is an integral part of the group there. Anyone who has played the “Trails of Cold Steel” series (because it was released earlier in English, although it is the sequel) will already know him, even if he plays more of a supporting role there.
Below I would like to show a few screenshots from “Trails from Zero” that illustrate Randy’s character. In addition to his work in the special police unit, he otherwise spends his free time in the shady streets and in the casino.
(Note Nathalie: I don’t find the whole thing as funny as Kevin. Sure, you can smile about one or the other dialogue, but what kind of a statement is that when a character is characterized by the fact that he flirts with every woman to the unbearable point and, to a certain extent, the whole thing gets an additional bitter aftertaste when you consider that the game comes from Japan, where the position of women in society is even worse than it is here.)

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