• Travel

    Cuba (2022)

    What do you normally think of when you hear the word Cuba? Dreamy Caribbean beaches, rhythmic salsa music, cigars, classic cars, and Che Guevara. We all probably know at least one person in our circle who has been to Cuba and raves about it. I myself visited Cuba in 2005 with my parents. We stayed in an all-inclusive hotel in Varadero, like most people who travel there. Although I had a good time during that trip as a child, I was fascinated by the country beyond the hotel walls, and even back then, I wondered why we had to fly for over 10 hours just to spend most of our…

  • Trips

    Jena Canoe Trip

    Nathalie wished to go canoeing for a long time and we found out a while ago that this is offered in Jena. But since it could be boring for two and a small canoe is more likely to tip over, we also invited Dominik and René. We chose Jena-Porstendorf as the route, which is only a 2-hour boat trip of around 9 kilometers. We booked an appointment on a Sunday and the weather was fine – just a little cloudy, but no rain. The fact that it had hardly rained in the last few weeks was to be a small disadvantage. The three of us – Dominik, Nathalie and I…