
  • Trips

    Alternative Bear Park Worbis

    Nathalie’s father was in Weimar at the time, and we were looking for a nice excursion destination. That’s how we ended up at the Alternative Bear Park in Worbis. We had wanted to visit the park for a while but hadn’t gotten around to it until now. We learned about it through advertisements at the Wildcat Village in Hütscheroda. So, we rented a car and drove to the bear park, which is 1.5 hours away. Upon arrival, we noticed that there were containers with toilets next to the parking lot. These were actually quite clean, possibly due to the signs in the toilets. The signs mentioned that bears also clean…

  • Trips

    Amusement Park Plohn

    The weather in April (probably thanks to climate change) was already quite warm, so we planned a visit to Plohn Amusement Park for a Sunday. With around 18 degrees, it wasn’t too hot, and thanks to light cloud cover, the sun didn’t scorch us. Nathalie and I had already been there once in 2017 (and I a few times in my childhood), but the park is, of course, in a constant state of change, so there’s always something new to see. The amusement park is located in Saxony, about 25 minutes’ drive south of Greiz, my hometown. We’ve often passed by it when traveling towards the Ore Mountains. This time,…

  • Trips

    Medieval spectacle in Kranichfeld

    A Ride to the Medieval Spectacle in Kranichfeld In good weather, we decided to cycle to Kranichfeld once again – but this time, we aimed to attend the Medieval Spectacle. In our post about the falconry, we already described how the Ilmtal Cycle Path runs from Weimar to Kranichfeld. Nearly 30 kilometers and mostly uphill… (Note from Nathalie: It’s not that much uphill… sure, there are a few steeper sections, but overall it’s a very nice bike path) and so this ride also took over 2 hours. The challenging sections didn’t bother me as much, but how should I say… it was “boring.” The cycle path is mostly too narrow…

  • Trips

    Saalfeld Fairy Grottoes

    During the bridging days between Christmas and New Year, it was once again time to make a few small excursions. In addition to visiting relatives and ice skating, we also wanted to go to a new place we hadn’t been to before: the Fairy Grottoes in Saalfeld. We had already been to the Dragon’s Cave in Syrau, the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland, or the Turda Salt Mine in Romania – now we wanted to visit this nearby mine, although “near” is relative here. By car, it would have been about an hour’s drive to the south, but we traveled by train and bus via Jena Göschwitz, so the journey…

  • Trips

    Ilmtal Cycle Path and Falconry

    In late summer 2023, we decided to go on a short bike tour while the weather was still good. A few years ago, we cycled south from Weimar towards Hohenfelden Reservoir. However, the bike path turned out to be a real challenge as we had to push our bikes uphill through an overgrown forest. Surprisingly, even today, Google does not feature the Ilmtal Cycle Path. This time, we relied solely on road signs, without a navigation system, and rode to the neighboring town of Kranichfeld, from where we had taken the train back the last time. Depending on how early we would arrive, we planned to visit the castles there…

  • Trips

    The Drei(n)schlag 2023

    In mid-August, a special event took place here in Thuringia. It was called the “Drei(n)schlag” (Three Strike). This is a fireworks display celebrated irregularly since 2002 in the area between Erfurt and Gotha at the “Drei Gleichen” (Three Equals) hills. The Three Gleichen consist of three castles (Burg Gleichen, Mühlburg, and Veste Wachsenburg), which got their name from the “Dreinschlag” when allegedly on May 31, 1231, lightning struck all three castles simultaneously, causing them to blaze like torches. Conveniently, an autobahn runs between the castles, and a train station is also not far away. Taking the train wasn’t an option due to the late evening timing of the fireworks (although…

  • Trips

    The Napoleon Trail near Jena

    The Napoleonpfad is an approximately 8km circular hiking trail near Jena that Nathalie, René, Dominik, and I hiked recently. But first, how did we come to choose this particular trail to hike? We had already been hiking twice in Jena. Once on the Jenzig-Hufeisen-Kunitz trail and once on a trail near René’s place. During the second hike, we noticed that we intersected with another hiking trail, and even more exciting, René mentioned that he had developed an app for that particular trail at his company! Of course, for Nathalie, that was reason enough (as if she needed any reason in general to go hiking) to explore this trail and try…

  • Trips

    Jena Canoe Trip

    Nathalie wished to go canoeing for a long time and we found out a while ago that this is offered in Jena. But since it could be boring for two and a small canoe is more likely to tip over, we also invited Dominik and René. We chose Jena-Porstendorf as the route, which is only a 2-hour boat trip of around 9 kilometers. We booked an appointment on a Sunday and the weather was fine – just a little cloudy, but no rain. The fact that it had hardly rained in the last few weeks was to be a small disadvantage. The three of us – Dominik, Nathalie and I…

  • Trips

    Activities between Christmas holidays and New Year

    The year 2021, like the previous one, was special due to the pandemic. What was new was that Nathalie did not go home for Christmas due to Corona, so we were both in Weimar and were able to carry out our own plans over the holidays and up to the New Year. Of course we were still restricted by the pandemic, but we had just had our third booster vaccination and were therefore able to do a lot to make the last week of the year a special one. The Christmas Holidays Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day fell on Friday to Sunday this time (actually quite stupid on…

  • Trips

    Hohenfelden Reservoir

    On the last weekend in June the weather was particularly good and so I planned a little trip again. Since we have already hiked enough lately, a bike tour was on the agenda. The plan was to cycle to the reservoir Hohenfelden early in the morning and have a nice day there. Unfortunately, the bike path turned out to be not that ideal at all. A significant part of the route led along main roads and unfortunately it was uphill several times. Somewhere between Weimar Legefeld and Bad Berka we finally stood panting in the indentation of a country road that led through the middle of the forest and wound…