
  • Trips

    The “Drei Gleichen” Hike

    Already when I first sat in the car from NRW in the direction of Erfurt, I noticed three castles shortly after Gotha, which stand on neighboring hills and are clearly visible from the highway. Nowadays I know that these are the so-called “Drei Gleichen”. At that time I planned to visit these three castles one day. Shortly thereafter, however, the idea unfortunately fell into oblivion again. When we recently walked a section of the 3 Towers Trail with Marie and Christopher, Marie made the suggestion to do the hike at the Drei Gleichen. She had already done this twice and the path was quite beautiful and also not too strenuous.…

  • Trips

    The Thuringian 3-Towers Hike – A Self Experiment

    After Kevin and I have recently hiked a section of the Thuringian 3 towers path together with friends, I wanted to know my limits. On the last Saturday in May, Kevin had a big card tournament and was thus busy all day. But since the weather was quite promising, I decided to unpack my previously unused hiking poles and do the Thuringian 3-Towers hike on my own. Kevin and I both got up early in the morning. Kevin to get ready for his tournament and me to pack my backpack and prepare provisions. We had a chickpea-avocado salad and a strawberry-wheat-arugula salad. In addition, of course, I took a bottle…

  • Trips

    Gotha Zoo and wet animals

    It was the beginning of June and sights in Thuringia that had been closed for months have slowly reopened, including zoos. So we thought, why not go and admire animals again and we haven’t been to the Gotha zoo yet. Unfortunately the whole thing fell into the water. Although Sunday was predicted to be the sunniest day, it turned out to be the day where it only rained from morning to night. In the morning we weren’t sure whether we’d rather go somewhere where it is covered … such as the Saalfeld fairy grottoes. However, due to the current corona regulations, you had to buy the tickets a day in…

  • Trips

    From Bad Berka to Weimar – Our 1 1/2 Towers Path

    Thanks to Corona, possible ventures are unfortunately limited. However, one thing that is always possible in good weather and that we like to use is to go out into nature and hike. The bridge day between Ascension Day and the weekend it was once again so far. Kevin and I took extra vacation and together with Christopher and Marie, two good friends of ours, we took the train to Bad Berka. The original plan was to walk the Thuringian 3 towers path, but since it is quite long with its 26km, I let my comrades-in-arms talk me down to hike only part of the way. However, this should also be…

  • Trips

    Hike to Ettersburg Castle

    On Sunday the weather was just perfect. With 25°C it felt like a beautiful summer day without being overwhelmed by the heat. We took advantage of this to hike to Ettersburg Castle. Since the way from our front door to the castle is quite long with almost 10km, we split up for the first kilometres. I walked the first part while Kevin went a little later and took the bus. Our meeting point was Weimar Schöndorf. The way to Schöndorf is mostly along a main road. Nevertheless, there is the Buchenwald railroad memorial path. Along this path prisoners from the Buchenwald concentration camp had to build a railroad line under…

  • Trips

    Farmer’s market in Mellingen

    In December, just before Christmas, a farmers’ market took place in Mellingen. We only came across this information by chance and wanted to visit it on a Saturday. The weather was cloudy and a bit cold, but it didn’t rain. Unfortunately, half of the cycle path from Weimar to Mellingen was closed to Taubach, but we reached the farmers’ market around noon via a small detour. Corona-related due to some requirements, the huts were relatively far apart and every guest had to wear a mask. Nevertheless, the market was quite busy and you could make out 3-5 people in front of each hut. Nathalie really wanted to go to the…

  • Trips

    The Zoo Hirschfeld

    Due to the corona we had the taste to visit different animal parks in 2020, of course because they were mostly open and therefore less restricted, but also because we like animals and were already in South Africa at the beginning of the year. So far we had already visited the animal enclosure Waldhaus near Greiz, the zoo in Gera, the Leipzig Zoo, the zoo in Erfurt and the wild cat village Hütscheroda – all of them only one hour train ride away at most. Now we had to look a little more outside and that’s when my mother recommended the Hirschfeld Zoo, which is not far from Greiz in…

  • Trips

    Our Alpaca Hike

    After our trip to Peru we were always a little bit fascinated by alpacas and therefore we also looked where there are alpacas in Germany. Some we could find in nearby zoos or animal parks… but we also learned that here and there alpaca walks are offered – but unfortunately mostly further away, so it was difficult to plan a date for it. One day Nathalie noticed during her jogging trip that a farm called “Erlebnishof Weimar”, which she passes by, advertises alpaca walks with them. So we took one of the last weekends in September, when the weather was still good, and invited Christopher and Marie, so that the…

  • Trips

    To the Wildcat Village in Hütscheroda

    The weather in August and September was not the very best. It was often cloudy and rainy… but for my birthday we wanted to make a little trip. In August we went with Nathalie’s parents to the treetop path in Thuringia and got an advertising flyer for further sights in Thuringia… and one sight caught our attention: the wildcat village in Hütscheroda! On Saturday we decided to drive to the forest cat village. But we had to realize that it was not so easy to get there without a car. First you have to take the train to Eisenach and from there there is a bus to Hütscheroda and back…

  • Trips

    Hike on the Horseshoe in Jena

    From the meeting point in Jena Zwätzen we first had to go to Kunitz. Here we crossed the Kunitz house bridge and got to know the village a little bit. Soon we were on the signposted hiking trail and we headed south up the mountain towards Jenzig. Here we got lost 1 or 2 times. So we came partly on quite steep paths, which sometimes even ended in dead ends. But with the time the paths became more and more passable and we even met a paraglider pilot at his jump. Arrived at the summit there were several forest taverns where we had our lunch. Nathalie and I made onigiri…