
Trails to Azure: New chest messages and more

Trails in the Sky the 3rd

Trails in the Sky the 3rd is the third installment in the Trails series. I caught up with this part only after completing Trails in the Sky 1+2, Trails from Zero, and Trails of Cold Steel 1+2. Why did it take so long? Well, as seen in the screenshots below, the game was translated and released much later than its two predecessors. By that time, I had already finished my studies and somehow lost track of the series. On one hand, I was really looking forward to this part because I knew that Father Kevin would be the protagonist. On the other hand, I had come across descriptions that indicated it wasn’t really a new Trails experience. The game doesn’t feature entirely new landscapes; instead, it mostly takes place in dungeons that players are already familiar with from Parts 1 and 2, and there are many flashback sequences.

After Trails from Zero, I eventually felt the urge to catch up with this part (because it uses almost the same graphics engine and combat system), and I was not disappointed. Although Trails the 3rd has a different gameplay structure compared to its predecessors and successors, it has its own charm, and the flashback sequences are very well done. They tell story segments that players would otherwise never have experienced in such detail. So, I can recommend it to all Trails players, even though the Steam version may be slightly outdated.

Chest messages

Here, of course, there are chest messages again. Similar to the successors Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure, there are once again references made that from the sixth installment in Erebonia, there are no more talking chests. Other than that, the translation team was already close to despair in their attempt to come up with as many new messages as possible, as can be seen from the first screenshots.

(At that time it was not foreseeable that two more parts with chest messages would come 😅)
(Here I just found the “neato torpedo” funny)
(A haiku, a traditional Japanese poem, consists of three lines of five words each, with the last line being silly 😂)
(There was a powerful healing item in the chest and yes, like any other RPG, I didn’t use it until the end. Somehow the pride doesn’t allow it 😅)
(Refrence to the meme “Your princess is in another castle“)
(ein Pokémon Meme)
(Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.)
(Refrence to Cowboy Bebop Spruch)

And more screenshots

And here, too, I took a few additional screenshots that I just found funny. There are no videos this time.

(Anelace is still asleep and stereotypically obsessed with stuffed animals.)
(The two argue about Joshua, but he wants to appease them 😅)
(Even at the end 😅)
(Erika is very proud of her sweet daughter…)
(… and gets super angry when Agate approaches her.)
Cool cover image for the battle arena 😀
(Okay, okay… 😭)

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