Our little Whitsun-Hike to Belvedere
On June 1st we wanted to take a little hike thanks to the nice weather. Therefore, we have again prepared Bentos with onigiris (rice balls filled with chicken, wasabi and cheese), red bell peppers, cucumbers, and octopus sausages. The hardest part of the way was to climb up to Belvedere Palace at the beginning. We left shortly before 11 o’clock and arrived exactly at 12. Here, we looked for a nice bench in the park behind the castle and ate our Bentos.
After lunch, we went back along a dirt road leading towards “Taubacher Mühle”. Shortly before arriving at the village we turned left towards the bike path that we have cycled several times. There are huge rapeseed fields on the right and left with a long flat path. In the near future, we want to use this route to ride inline and roller skates. Just before we got back to the Ilmpark in Weimar, we made a detour to the bee museum. In the bee museum, we treated ourselves at the café with a latte macchiato, homemade lemonade, and a piece of rhubarb cake. Then, we went the rest of the way back home via the Ilmpark. Overall, the trip took almost 4 hours.